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I have been using the linn mb in my mastering chain. I have tried a few tutorials as wells as just using my own knowledge of compression and also my own ears. the kick keeps getting burried in the mix and everything gets kind of smashed. expeciallly after adding l2 in the chain.
is C4 a better compressor. if anyone has any advice or knows of a tutorial that could help me with my prob it would be greatly appriciated


anonymous Wed, 04/12/2006 - 01:28

Listen to John.

Maul the band is useless in mastering.

(Top ME's hardly ever use multiband)

If you must use a multiband, then use Soniformer.

Its great cause its somehow not a multiband, well it is but it diesnt mess the audio as much as other MB's.

But definitely go back to the mix and fix it.

Michael Fossenkemper Wed, 04/12/2006 - 09:08

a multiband can really suck the life out of a mix. if you are stuck on using one, then back way off of it. barely use it. tweek all of those attack and releases. it'll take awhile for your ear to key in on everything. The C4 is a phasier version. I would spend some time just using a wideband compressor until you really get the hang of compression before jumping to a MB. Most don't use MB but it's up to you.

Cucco Wed, 04/19/2006 - 09:03

IF the kick keeps getting buried - check your settings on your limiter.

Bear in mind - most brick wall limiters used in mastering use INCREDIBLY quick attack times. Digital brickwalls can even do a 0ms attack time thanks to buffer latency.

The sad reality of that is, the kick's sound is often derived from it's transient attack. Compressing TOO much will squash your transient and make only the thud (which is far less audible than you'd think) remain.

So, here are two options -

1 - adjust your attack time to a slower speed. This will allow the transient through but still clamp down on the remaining portion (thus bringing up the thud)

2 - Use less compression or limiting. Remember, there's a reason a good kick sounds like a good kick. That's usually because the difference between the attack and the resonance is similar to what is found in nature - not squashed to kingdom come...

In any case, good luck.



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