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Today I recorded a female singer and during the recording their are a few spots of noises that are like chewing like noises. like from lips hitting each other or something...hard to explain. like wet lips or somthing. will i need to just go in and silence those parts or any eq cutting i should do. I'm sure you know hwat sound I'm talking about

thank you


anonymous Mon, 09/19/2005 - 12:51

No eq'ing will help this. you may have to use a gate with a low threshold and slow release, but this my make your vocal sound unrealistic. You could clip the beging or the ending of the track and get rid of all noises up until the vocal begins and at the end. or just tell the vocalist to turn her head until she begans to sing

moonbaby Mon, 09/19/2005 - 14:29

You may, I repeat, MAY be able to remove SOME of that offensive noise with a de-essing plug-in. What monitors didn't let you know that noise was there during the tracking, eh?
You might try APPLE JUICE to give your vocalists to sip before the next vocal session. It is a highly regarded remedy for that problem (due to the pectin in it that treats the saliva). If not, try tea. And watch that "rising top end" on mics that pick up that obnoxiousness! And drop the monitors that don't!!!

anonymous Tue, 09/20/2005 - 15:47

Caisson wrote: No eq'ing will help this. You could clip the beging or the ending of the track and get rid of all noises up until the vocal begins and at the end. or just tell the vocalist to turn her head until she begans to sing

That's what I'd do. Just edit those irritating sounds, If you have a digital setup.

anonymous Thu, 09/22/2005 - 08:34

Could you suggest any free declickers for Pro Tools

also i have zoomed in on some....most are coming in during the start of some words and the end of the words....but i dont know how to use the pencil tool correct or is their another thing im suppose to do instead of the pencil...someone please help

thank you

o2x Sat, 09/24/2005 - 13:58

Are you listening to the vox track in isolation or in the context of the whole mix?

You might not want to get rid of it. Some natural lip smacks on a track may add to the whole equation.

Give it someone else to listen to - if they pick up on it then you have a problem. If they dont....

You know it's there now so your sub conciously litening out for it.

As Caisson said eq will tend to accentuate this problem. If you can't get way without eq-ing the track, then a wave editor may help.

In my experience lip balm and vasenline can compound the problem even further due to its sticky consistency. A much better product to use is Glycerine (not the Nitro type :shock: ). The stuff they use to thin royal icing.