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C'mon Guys
I'm a bit fed up with PC v MAC bash talk! :roll:
Let's cut the bash talk and start with some constructive chat.
Would nice to have one forum where this is the case!

BTW... I use both platforms with EQUAL success


Ang1970 Tue, 04/24/2001 - 12:12

Umm, ok. Sounds good to me! :)

I also use both platforms (tho I don't happen to use pc for audio... yet) and don't find myself getting heated by either side of the debate. I do try to stop people when they make blanket statements about a platform they haven't really used.

Were you talking specific to the 001 or in general?

Markd102 Tue, 04/24/2001 - 18:16


I appreciate the agreement.
I hate generallised negative comments. Both platforms have their own good and bad points, but ultimately I've found Pro Tools to be very reliable and stable on both.
I don't mind seeing constructive critisism in reply to a genuine question, but I'd rather discuss the 001 and PTLE and keep the "My computer's better than yours" out of it. Maybe there could be a new category call The Whinging Post? :D

I'll mainly be hovering around the 001 area but I'd like to see this adopted everywhere.

Thanks again and I'll see you in the soup

SonOfSmawg Thu, 04/26/2001 - 22:00

I guess you took my joke here in the 001 forum as a bash, but that was not my was only a joke. I do run my 001 on a Mac, but I do just about everything else on a PC, especially on the internet. The web is just simply more PC friendly and compatible. I'm with Ang in the fact that PC could very well be in my future for audio.
So, accept my apology if my post seemed like bashing, but in actuality, my position is very much 'middle of the road'. The computer is simply a tool, and as with any other task, one must use the best tool to get the job done.