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1/4 Inch

Dual 1/4 Inch jack speakers - connections advice

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Submitted by Don't Count Th… on

Hi shameless quest for advice here - if anyone has 2 cents they can donate it would be very much appreciated.

Got hold of two weighty PA looking speakers with dual 1/4 inch jacks and no knowledge of their spec or their past and my limited knowledge is at a loss for the best way to utilise them... exhibit A attached below (please ignore the amp above it's not working)

Help! Groove Tubes 6TM Power Supply cable Pin out schematic/ ADAT Elco to 1/4" snaKes

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Submitted by Jack Dupp on

I have an old Groove Tubes 6TM mic with the PS1 Vacuum tube power supply. The mic end looks like the Groove Tubes EC7 cable in that it has a 7-pin connector. The power supply end looks like an 9-pin ADAT sync connector almost like a vga computer display connector. I am in need of the pin out configuration so that I can build one or a source to purchase one.

I Just Got A 1/4" Tape Deck. Now What?

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Submitted by Suntower on

This may sound totally noob/stupid, but... I just got an old Sony TC-252 1/4" Reel To Reel. And I have no idea what to do with it. I mean... I've had -many- tape machines over the years... just not in the past 20 or so. I figured, if nothing else I could make little echo loops with it like when I was 16 or so... or make some nutty distortion with it.