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Ambient mic always causes phase issues with close mic on guitar cab

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Submitted by rectifryer on

I keep seeing recommendations on the net for using two mics on a guitar cab at once. One dynamic mic close to the speaker cab while an ambient room mic is 4-8 feet away. When I try this, I run into phasing issues as expected. I suspect there is no way around the phase issue aside from correcting it in the daw, perhaps that is the point?

Ambient mic questions on didgeridoo recording project

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Submitted by didgeridan on

Hi, I'm recording a didgeridoo, tambourine, and clave one-man band (me:-) in a nice sounding reverberate building about 115'long x 50'wide x20'tall and I have a few questions for anyone with the time and expertise. In addition to my spot mics, I'm experimenting with a couple (identical cardiod LDC) ambient mics in different places.

Getting an ambient "dreamy" soundtrack piano sound

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Submitted by sachit on

I've been trying to get that typical dreamy piano sound for some time now with little results. It's often used in film soundtracks and such, a few notes high up the keyboard that have a lot of reverb/ambience and perhaps a little echo. Most of the time with strings backing. I'm not totally sure, which is why I'm posting here.