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Absorption coefficien

Absorption coefficient - Ratio of sound absorbing effectiveness, at a specific frequency, of a unit area of acoustical absorbent to a unit area of perfectly absorptive material. The portion of energy absorbed when a sound wave strikes a material. The absorption coefficient of a material is dependent on the frequency of the sound wave.


The opposite of reflection. Sound absorption results from the conversion of sound energy into another form, usually heat or motion, when passing through an acoustical medium. When a sound wave encounters resistance, absorption occurs. Absorption is measured in sabins (after Wallace Clement Sabine). One sabin is the amount of absorption offered by one square foot of open air

Safe/Non-Toxic Sound Absorption / Acoustic Treatment

Looking to acoustic treat my room. I want to get safe, non toxic acoustic treatment that still has good sound absorption. Looking for the material wise, since different pieces would be used for different frequencies. Want it safe to breath (even if not covered by fabric), also safe in case my dog accidently chews and swallows some. Also safe to handle.

My Homemade Absorption Panels

Built these after doing a lot of research on them, and finally am nearing completion! There will be six total, and I also built stands so that I can make a sort of 'booth' in my room for recording to cut out all of the horrible reflections. Will do some tests once I have them all completed and fitted into their stands, it should be a significant improvement over the space I have now.


In acoustics, the property exhibited by certain materials to absorb (as opposed to reflect) sound waves. Used by studio designers to control the sound energy in a given space.
Also used in reference to the conversion of sound or radio frequency (RF) energy into heat.