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acoustic guitar and vocals

How to record Acoustic Guitar and Vocals at the same time?

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Submitted by ScottR on Thu, 12/27/2012 - 19:38

Hi there!

I'm completely new to recording. I searched for forums on Google about mics and recording and found this site...

I have a Blue Yeti microphone and that's all. I need to be able to record my guitar (unplugged) and vocals at the same time with a decent sound. I tried previously but my guitar was too loud and my vocals were too quiet.

Reference recordings for acoustic guitar and vocals

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Submitted by BobRogers on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 05:31

I've been recording a few singer/songwriter types recently. Mostly steel string acoustic guitar and vocals. What do you use for reference recordings for this type of music when trying to listen to monitors and get a fix on the sound of a room? I've found that I don't consider some of my favorites in this genre terribly well recorded.

Starting Recording Acoustic guitar and vocals

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 19:07

I have only recorded once before, with my uncle, who has a very nice home studio. I am vaguely familiar with the whole recording process, and I know some of the stuff involved (but not much).

For a school project, I want to analyze the recording process, mostly by recording.

My uncle suggested that I buy a Zoom MRS 8 and a microphone.

Best way to record Acoustic Guitar and Vocals

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/11/2004 - 23:59

I know a similar post was made earlier in one of these forums, but I am curious to see what you all think is the best combination of mics and pres for a folky/early dylan (63-65) kind of vibe for recordings. The instruments being used are Harmonica, Acoustic Guitar and Voice. It would be preferred for all 3 to be recorded simultaneously (as all are played by the artist).

Mixing Techniques for simple acoustic guitar vocal track

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/04/2001 - 08:16

I have just recorded some simple vocal and acoustic guitar tracks on ADAT, and now in the process of mixdown on O2R.

Got 1 vocal track and 3 tracks of acoustic guitar (close miked 57,distant miked RODE NT and a D.I signal).

Would like to ask you pros out there suggestions on how to pan and mixdown the guitar and vocal tracks.