What's the difference between a C414B-ULS and a C414B-XLII?
There is quite a price difference!
What's the difference between a C414B-ULS and a C414B-XLII?
There is quite a price difference!
Not sure what the difference is between the AKG C414 B-XLS, B-ULS, TLII and so on. Could someone please enlighten me. I used a C414 in a studio last month and loved how it worked with my vocals.
Not sure what the difference is between the AKG C414 B-XLS, B-ULS, TLII and so on. Could someone please enlighten me. I used a C414 in a studio last month and loved how it worked with my vocals.
I know this topic came up already in the pro-audio section, but they were only being introduced at that stage.
I know some people love the ULS and TLII, and as many people hate them with a passion. Has anyone here tried the new ones?
John Stafford
Hello Everyone,
I need to get a pair of good LDCs, for general use, especially for Overheads and vocals.
Here's what I have now:
m-audio delta 1010
Mackie 1604 vlz pro
Hamptone VTP2 on the way
2 c1000s
1 c3000b
2 sm57
1 sm58
1 at pro37
1 AKG d112
1 Sennheiser md421
Hi, people! Help!
I need an advice for my decision: RODE NTK/ K2 or AKG C414 B-ULS/C 4000B?
My aI'm is to record acoustic instruments:
1 Nylon and steel guitars, tar, saz, sitar, dulcimer, kanun, celtic harp
2 Cello, violin, fiddles, hurdy-gurdy
3 Different fluts, bagpipe, mizmar and other reed instruments
so i live in portugal and getting here in europe stuff is usually more expensive that in usa
but i have a cousin in boston and she's coming for xmas... :D
she says she'll bring the things i want so i'm thinking of adding an extra mic because of my budget, and what i can save if buying there...
the question is this:
Just wondering if anyone has use an AKG c422 mic. Is it worth it? Or, is it better to get 2- 414's?
I would use it for grand piano, drum overheads or live to 2 track.
I have the chance to trade my old C414 for the new Shure KSM44. A friend of mine didn't like the Shure so I told him I would lend him my 414 and if he liked it I would consider a straight up trade with him.
Last weekend, I had the privelege of recording Drums (a well-maintained 1967 Ludwig 4-piece with brand new Evans heads) in a large renovated barn, with AKG C414 EB's as overheads; All while my Fiance' was out tasting wedding cakes with my mother. What a nice weekend it was.
Anywho, The C414EB's were the silver model, a matched set, in mint condition.