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altec, ampex, other old mic preamps any good?

Hello, I'm attempting to purchase some good mic preamps. I just got a Pendulum audio dual pre and am looking for a couple of less expensive pres to complement the Pendulum and get a Beatleish sound. Lately I've seen some Altec and Ampex tube mic preamps on Ebay going for a few hundred. Has anyone used these or are there other vintage pres in this price range that are decent. Thanks, Don

Altec "Birdcage" mic?

I have the opportunity to buy an Altec "Birdcage" ribbon mic for around $800. I really know nothing about this mic, other than the fact it looks incredibly cool. Looks a little like Darth Vader - about the size of a squared-off softball. My question is: does anyone know about this mic? Is it worth the price, or might I be better off spending a few bucks more and just get a Royer?

Altec 436b problem

There's no "Tech Help" forum on this site, but this is the "Gear" forum, so I'll try here. I have several pieces of old Altec tube gear, all of which have been put back into "like new" condition. Unfortunately, the compressor, a 436b, has started distorting no matter how I set the single gain control and no matter what level signal I send into the input.


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