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aphex 107

ART Pro MPA II vs. Aphex 107

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Submitted by Mauisnow13 on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 07:22

I currently have an Aphex 107, and have swapped the tubes. I haven't had much time to play around with it, and will still do a lot more experimenting before I make any decision, but what are your opinions on the ART Pro MPA when compared to the Aphex? Differences, pros and cons, etc. I know some people on here have experience with either one or both.

Aphex 107 Tubessence Mic Pre

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Submitted by dabmeister music on Fri, 03/19/2004 - 13:58

I've owned this pre for some time now and have used it on certain occasions. I assume it has a bit of competition now-a-days. I don't hear any noticable difference between it and my TC Helicon Voice Prism I may use once in while for vocal effects. I've posted a topic or two about preamps and found out that you can't skip or compromise in this area.