Aphex Compellor or Studio Dominator
Does anyone know of an audio plugin that gets anywhere near close to the transparency of an Aphex Compellor or brick wall density of a Studio Dominator?
Does anyone know of an audio plugin that gets anywhere near close to the transparency of an Aphex Compellor or brick wall density of a Studio Dominator?
I was looking for used gear in my area and found :
An Aphex 207 dual pre for 300$ and a Golden Age Project Pre 73 for 200$
I own a dbx 576 (tube pre and tube compressor combo) and while it's being bashed a lot on forums, it served me ok for years. But I'm looking for little update and have some options. (mainly for vocals, guitars etc...)
Hey guys
First time posting here and hoping someone with some gear-fixing pazazzz can help with my little issue.
I bought an Aural Exciter type C off ebay and when I tested it, I got pretty crappy results.
I have an Aphex 107 manufactured in 1997 with a Phillips 12AT7 tube in it (the original). Any benefit swapping this tube out for another? If so, to what Brand and Type of tube?
Does anyone know how the tone of these preamps compare? Also the Eureka and MP80 which are essentially the same preamp.
http://www.aphex.co…"]APHEX Systems 204 Aural Exciter® - Optical Big Bottom®[/]="http://www.aphex.co…"]APHEX Systems 204 Aural Exciter® - Optical Big Bottom®[/]
I currently have an Aphex 107, and have swapped the tubes. I haven't had much time to play around with it, and will still do a lot more experimenting before I make any decision, but what are your opinions on the ART Pro MPA when compared to the Aphex? Differences, pros and cons, etc. I know some people on here have experience with either one or both.
It's time for me to invest in a decent mic preamp. I'm looking at The Brick and the Aphex 107 with 12AT7 Tubes installed. I've been reading praise about both around here.
Recently I've been searching for a decent, but not too expensive compressor for vocals. From a bunch of research, I was able to deduce that the Aphex 651 or 661 would be better for vocals than a dbx 160a. Now, the question is which Aphex compressor should I go with? The 651 or the 661.
Hey all!
I know that the 107 does not fall into the "pro gear" category in many ways, but I have an old one that I was about to sell (cuz I never use it) and I heard that there are some good mods you can do to it.