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I'm working on recording acoustic guitar and vocals using my zoom R16 track recorder. transferring them to Cubase 5 then editing, mixing mastering etc... My issue is getting my Acoustic Guitar to sound like it does when I play it live or through my fishman solo amp. I've tried all kinds of mics, room treatments, set up etc...
Audio-Technica AT2020
Help with too much background noise
So i’m using my microphone for live streaming games and lets plays and youtube
I may have made a mistake in buying a Audio-Technica AT2020 USB a while back ,
it picks up WAY TOO much background noise.
I normally don't go out of my way to say anything negative about retailers... If I see something that is priced too high, I figure the best line of defense is to simply not purchase anything from them...
Hello! I am just wondering if anyone knows how the Audio-Technica AT2020 condenser microphone behaves with the Shure X2U XML to USB adapter?
I currently own a Xonar Essence STX sound card, which i use in combination with a high-end high-impedance headphone (hd650). Im looking to do some instrumental recording, and I'm thinking of purchasing a AT2020 XLR to connect to this soundcard.
Just getting into home recording so let me know what you think. Here is my cover of Andy McKee's Drifting.
hello everybody!
I've been looking at these 3, they're at different prices here in Argentina. which one should I go for?
the aI'm is to record mainly all-round vocals and an ocassional acoustic guitar in my home studio. I've got a Mackie vlz-403 mixer with very good mic preamps and phantom.
any ideas? cheers!
I just joined these forums, so asking a question like this probably won't start me off on the right foot, but here goes: