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Taking my first big step in music tech, sweaty palms?LOL :p

Morning all, Dave here.I've been aquiering musical equiptment for a long time now, but it's mainly instruments and amps speakers etc, liveness being the main theme. I've done a bit of recording at home before, but it's all been via 4 tracks, card readers, a desk with 16 line,multi core and stage box and a cheap Behringer analoge interface. The computer is armed with Audacity!

Audio Latency/Studio Setup BIG PROBLEMS

I'm running an Audiobox 1818vsl 8 channel mixer through Cubase 5, I have a Head Amp Pro 6 channel headphone amp, a MXL 3000 microphone, and M-Audio Studio Pro 8 speakers. My speakers are connected by connecting an audio cable from the main speaker (right), to the other speaker(left). I have to use the Audiobox as the driver in Cubase in order for me to record through it.

BIG--> Why do MAC's tend to have less issues than PC's ?

I have been doing more research on the laptop I want to buy for my home studio. I originally was looking at a PC because I am accustomed to them. I was probably going to buy a decked out Asus or Toshiba. After looking more thoroughly, custom computers like Rain, ADK, and PCaudiolabs seem to be the way to go and a Macbook Pro is even better.