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First Mic for My Studio-In-Progress

I'm putting together a basement DAW studio ON A BUDGET. I already have the computer I'll be using (PC, dual core), software(got for free, huzzah for good, or rich, friends), a phonic mu 1705 mixer(got a screaming deal), and now I'm looking for a mic. My first mic. I've done a lot of research, but you can only learn so much without actually talking to people.

How do i keep the neighbours pleased?

Really this is a big problem. Where i rent now I can hear pretty much everything that goes on on the floor above me, so I'm sure the people below me can hear me too. That has a big impact on me, I can't just let go and sing, experiment etc, so I just hold back when singing. I'm a terrible singer but I feel the need to experiment a bit anyways. What do I do. Any ideas?


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