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Curently i have a fender blues deville 4x10 from 1994. I record using a sm57, into a firestudio project to my software. My amp sounds pretty good when i play with it live in overdive..but when i record just sounds weak and fuzzy. I have about 1500 to spend, Would i be better off with a great preamp like a groove tubes SuPRe, or would i be better off getting a mesa boogie amp.

The right mics?

Currently I run a Behringer C-4 (which I think is specifically for cymbals), and a Sm57 for recording a guitar cab. I've been noticing that it's not capturing the nuance of the amp. It just seems to be lacking. Generally I just assume what I'm using is wrong. because well... it normally is.
What mics should I be using to record?

Studio Recordings from ~10-feet away?

Hi there, I'm looking for a stereo microphone setup that will allow me to record a multitude of instruments and possibly vocals from 10-feet away, at the most. This would be to allow for recording a music video, live in stereo, with the freedom to move around a bit.

Is this an attainable goal? Could someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you very much, in advance.

Need live multitrack on the cheap.

I already have an original 01V with 8 channel ADAT out.

We need to record some live tracks from our shows... I was shown the MOTU 8Pre at a local music store and I'm considering buying it.

From what I understand, I can use the 8 channels of ADAT and add a few more channels via the analog pre's, and grab the tracks via firewire in Audacity or some other program.

Network Backplane

What the heck...

Let's see if we can get some more activity in here...

My current switch is an HP ProCurve 2824 with cat5e and Cat6 in a direct hope run configuration.

Cat5e in the lounge and Cat6 for all the audio and servers.

Just curious as to what everyone else is using for switching and cabling.

Anyone using P.O.E. for VOIP phone systems?


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