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Will a microphone with a frequency response of e.g. 50-15000 Hz not capture anything at all above 15k?

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Submitted by mertzi on

Hello! Been a while since last time I posted here.

In all my years of recording I have never bothered to learn what the specified frequency response (FR) of a microphone really means. I have always thought it means that the mic wont capture anything outside of the FR range, but is that really true?

Can Samplitude capture audio from sound card?

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Submitted by Johnny Blade on

Well, I did this question in the Samplitude general forum but, as always, ZERO answers... and in the specific forum I cannot register myself (it seems that they don't allow strangers...).

So, could anyone tell me if there is a way to capture audio from sound card in Samplitude?

Thanks in advance!