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Recording a Yamaha C3E Grand Piano

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Submitted by kosmas31 on

My audio interface is Sound Devices Mix Pre 6 and it records straight to SD. I want to record my Yamaha C3E grand piano in a way that I won't ever need to go to a studio. I currently use Zoom H2n. I want to record 4-8 hours per day. Solo, duets, four hands etc. I have a list of microphones in matched pairs (many of them are stereo too). Which one will give me super professional results?

Shopping for nearfields

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Submitted by pantonality on

Yesterday (Friday) I stopped by my neighborhood Guitar Center to shop their selection of nearfield monitors. I listened to KRKs, Yamahas, Mackie, M-Audio and Tannoy. Nothing sounded particularly good and it wasn't until after I left that it dawned on me they were playing everything out of iTunes on a Mac, hence COMPRESSED FILES! What's with that?