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Mic with clean (or flat) sound ?

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Submitted by trana on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 03:14

I have this setup : Windows 7 64 bit 16GB RAM . MOTU UltraLite mk3 hybrid + Mytek Stereo96 DAC .Dynaudio BM5A MKII.
Gonna buy Mytek Stereo 96ADC + Speck micPre 5.0 .
I have a small homestudio room with acoustic treatment, so it sounds balanced .
I have been looking for mic's, but it's a jungle for me that never had recorded before .

need a clean pre

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Submitted by bobbo on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 20:17

i have api, purple, groove tubes, osa. i need something clean. don't have tons of cash, this business is hard on the wallet these days. its not for drums. its more for vocals, acoustic guitar, bass di/pod, distorted guitar Micing (through mics such as, sm7b, e609, sm57, beta57a, 421mkII. and for indie rock drum over head/s for "true live drum sounds".

Homemade Clean Boost

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Submitted by Guitarfreak on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 19:35

Here is a fun little idea that I had whilst sitting on the crapper (don't you get all your great ideas here?) and now I really want to do it. Basically I just want a simple one knob line boost to boost my guitar signal cleanly before it hits the amp. What components would I need? How much would it cost me? Is this a realistic goal?