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ThOrax !

hey y'all. So far I' have used him on bass and guitars .
All I can say is this box rocks 8-)
What I really like is the Air Eq on the acoustic steel string.
Is there a recomended setting for voice on this compressor?
I'm using light compression as I track and am getting impressive results.

My first channel strip and how to connect it

I recently purchased an API 3124 and couldn't be happier. I finally have that kick drum sound I've been wanting. Now I want to get something that's dedicated to recording vocals so I'm thinking about a channel strip. The primary mic that I'll probably use is a Lawson L47. I've heard good things about the following strips but wanted to get your opinion:

Voice-over channelstrip

I've been hired to do an ongoing project. It's location recording of storyrtelling for a series of videos. I record them telling their tragic life stories, then a slideshow-like video is added later. I've done a couple already using my mbox and an NT2A, and while it has worked fine, Id really like an inline compressor, and a better pre wouldn't hurt.