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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

sidechain gate in Cubase ?

Ok i want to achieve that : "heres a kick trick, run a 50 hz. oscillator tone thru a gate, with the kick going into the sidechain (key input ) of the gate and dial it up so the kick triggers the gate to open and pass the oscillator signal "
i ve got my kick track, and my 50 hz sine track, but i cant figure out how to do a sidechain in Cubase anyhelp?


Adjusting a Cubase SL timeline

This may seem a stupid question- but I'm struggling to find the answer in the Cubase manual.

When highlighting a section of an audio track in Cubase SL3, it takes "chunks" at a time. Presumably pre-definded to match seconds of beats. How can you adjust this ? I preferably want to highlight infinately adjustable amounts, in order to cut & paste for example or insert silence ?

Mixdown and Buses in Cubase SX 2

Hi everyone,

I'm currently doing a project on a PC in Cubase SX 2 and after tracking was done, I got the levels I wanted for each mic and then put them into buses. (ie 8 mics on drums, made a drum bus, 4 mics on guitar amp, put into a guitar bus, etc) This made it much easier to get the proper levels in the main mix as one fader controlled many channels for the same instrument.

Cubase SX 2.0 and a regular computer mic...a good mix?



I need help. I am using Cubase SX 2.0 and a stupid computer mic to record. But for some reason I can't record. I read the manual but it won't give me any tips on how to record with regular computer mic. Is this even possible? (feeling confused) I used sound recorder but it's stupid and only will allow me to record for 60 secs and i want my song to flow.

M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 and Cubase SX / ASIO question

Hey all,

I am using an external Mixer with my M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card. I have the main outs of the mixer going into my compressor, which is then fed into the sound card. The audio outs of the sound card go back into the "2 track input" of my mixer, so I can monitor the processed signal via my mixer.


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