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double bass mics

Recording Double Bass

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Submitted by paulears on

There don't seem many videos on this subject, so I thought I'd make one. In other videos, some of the differences between microphones, and even microphones of radically different prices, was actually quite subtle. To be honest, I usually have a goto mic for recording double basses - an AKG 414, so in this video I deliberately looked for alternatives.

Microphone Comparison on Double Bass

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Submitted by paulears on

Recently we've had lots of topics on choosing mics, and the usual X is good and Y is bad result soon pop up.

Today I needed to record a double bass for a track in the works, but as I had some spare time I thought I'd go through the mic stock and try mics I'd not usually pick, just to see what happened.

Micing an upright bass?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am going to be recording an upright bass for a rockabilly/ska type band. The bass has a pickup and he plays thru a GK amp and a GK 4X10 cabinet. I don't think I will have a hard time capturing the low end, but I am not sure what I should do to capture that signature rockabilly snap from the strings. . Would simply Micing the strings with a condenser do it or is there a better method?