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Thinking of switching to Reaper

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Submitted by kmetal on Mon, 10/31/2022 - 21:51

I'm strongly considering switching to Reaper as my main daw. While I've dabbled with samplitude and do like it, I'm finding there's some things I don't like. It's upgrade price is rather steep and seems to rarely include major updates. It's hybrid audio engine is a bit limited relative to others if I'm understanding their operation correctly.

3 DAWs - 3 sounds? Reaper vs. Sonar vs. Samplitude

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Submitted by pcrecord on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 09:39

3 DAWs - 3 sounds? Reaper vs Sonar vs Samplitude In this video, I test 3 DAWS by doing the exact same mix of the same song. There was a long debate as if every DAWs sounded the same and I thought it was time to get a true answer.

I also give a link to downloadable multitracks songs.

What do you think of the tests, convincing ?

Need help choosing the right DAW Platform for me

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Submitted by vibrations1951 on Wed, 05/21/2014 - 04:33

I’m still at least 3-4 years from completing my studio build (I have a build thread under Studio Construction) and as I get closer I need to begin making some concrete choices about my recording + mixing setup. I've used Nuendo from the start for more than 4 years now. I’ll try to keep focused and concise but I think my quandaries are closely interrelated between 2 dilemmas.