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Without considering all of the hardware implications...
What are the main differences in these programs?
I've heard:
a. CEpro2 has a ton of effects the others don't (at least, not included free)
b. Pro Tools is the "standard" in the industry, but kinda tied to hardware
c. Sonar handles MIDI a LOT better

Before I lay out the $200-500, I'd like someone to "compare and contrast" strengths and weaknesses.


Opus2000 Tue, 09/24/2002 - 13:24

Dude....this has been discussed to no end on the digital cafe AND the computer some searching before you post something that has been discussed.....M'kay?
Search for the word software and you will find plenty of results which will give you some serious reading to need to repeat ourselves like a broken record?
Also...welcome to RO! You WILL find the information you need!


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