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Proper Gain Staging for Bluetooth Devices

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Submitted by kmetal on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 15:31

Hey all. I've been messing around lately with my iPhone, and a laptop, and tablet, and various Bluetooth speakers, and BT transmitters and receivers, to connect to my Scarlett solo interface, and powered computer speakers, and headphones.

I don't necessarily have a specific question, rather how do a verify some sort of standard gain stage, or whatever.

Observations on 2 Bus Gain Reduction

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on Tue, 04/21/2015 - 01:47

Gain Reduction can change the tone of your tracks. Sometimes for the better, adding a certain vibe or pleasing character to them - some like to use a hint of it on the master bus for "glue"... and I don't see a problem with that - in small amounts, I think it an often be beneficial - but - it can also be detrimental, too.

Classic PULTEC PASSIVE EQS with API 2520 makeup gain stage

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/13/2014 - 19:09

Particularity on the Pulse Techniques EQP 1A3 . Not interested in other clones.
I'm addicted to Pultec's this month and want to know how sweet the high-endis on the SS compared to the tube version?

I know you are looking for opinions on these or have some if you are here.

strange gain settings

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Submitted by Nutti on Sat, 11/24/2012 - 03:32


Yesterday I set up my studio for drumrecording and noticed something very strange...I put a sm57 on the snare about 1" from the skin and 1,5" in from the rI'm edge pointed towards the center of the drum. I also put a mb2k from Audio-Technica under the snare about 2" from the skin but more straight angled on the center.

Which is worse: Gain set too high or too low?

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Submitted by singeryadig on Mon, 02/27/2012 - 09:54

I heard that its better to carve a strong/ louder sound than it is to boost a weaker sound--(i know i'm probly not using the technical terms correctly but I think you get what I'm trying to say)

Because of this, I would think that having gain a little too high is better than too low? :cool: