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Particularity on the Pulse Techniques EQP 1A3 . Not interested in other clones.
I'm addicted to Pultec's this month and want to know how sweet the high-endis on the SS compared to the tube version?

I know you are looking for opinions on these or have some if you are here.

I have 2 MEQ-5's tubes and love them. I use them together with the Millennia NSEQ-4. The high-endon the NSEQ is crazy sweet, it is SS.
This takes care of the master bus sweetness while the MEQ's take care of mids.

I'm of the mindset, I put more value on quality mids, its why I got MEQ's first.
But, one never gets enough ways to sheen or enhancement so my question and quest is, what is the sheen difference between these?
Have you've experienced comparisons between the SS and Valve,, please chime in?

I must admit that price is a consideration right now. But, I debate everything until I'm committed.

Should I save the extra $1500.00 for more Pultec tube or ?Does the tube version get enough of what the SS pultecs have, where the tube is the extra bonus of sweetness... I would regret not saving my pennies and continue tube if I knew this?
I suspect the resale on the SS isn't a good either but this wouldn't matter if I didn't plan on upgrading to tube versions.
I'm thinking out-loud.

So, again, are the API gain stage something that you cannot get from the Tube versions. Are they completely different animals?

I'd be using these on master bus and mixing so its not a particular reason other than enhancement goodness.

Thanks for chiming in.


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