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Tascam US122 and Gigastudio or Cubase LE

i am just getting into computer recording and I have Tascam US122 interface and gigastudio and Cubase LE recording software but I can't get my guitar signal to appear at either recording software. I get a signal through US122 and can tune my guitar on the computer but i can not get a signal at the recording software. I have SB Live card. hat am I missing?

Hooking it all up: Gigastudio (PC), Digital Performer (M


I recently purchased a Gigastudio 160 setup with variable components I'm trying to make work together now. For anyone interested in helping, and advice offered on setting all of this up and getting it to work together is extremly appreciated!

The hardware and software are all installed. What I need now is the machines to be able to work in conjunction.


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