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Hyperthreading in pro tools?

I am hearing talk out there that with version 7 that we now may turn on our hyperthreading. I've heard two things,one is that it is only beneficial to people with dual core processors or dual processors. The other is that it doesn't make a difference at all with single pro(what the hell is the abb. for this!) So far I think things are the same other than it takes 3 sec.

Pro Tools LE and Hyperthreading?


I'm having to install Pro Tools LE (6.4 with MBox) on my DAW PC but Digidesign state that you must disable Hyperthreading in the BIOS before proceeding.

Now forgive me if I have got this wrong but, as I understand it, you cannot simply disable HT in the BIOS with Windows XP as the OS is set to use HT (or Multiprocessor) or not at installation.