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in ear monitor systems


In-ear monitors (IEMs) are devices used by musicians, audio engineers, audiophiles and music band members to listen to music or to hear a personal mix of vocals and stage instrumentation for live performance or recording studio mixing.

In Ear Monitors for Blind People

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Submitted by paulears on

I have a friend who is severely deaf, but a sound lecturer in a university - we chatted after watching the Queen's Jubilee concert from Buckingham Palace. We were talking about the huge numbers of wireless channels for microphones, guitars and then the fact that everyone (bar one) of the performers were using IEMs.

Using 2 mixers for in ear monitoring.

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Submitted by Marcus Harris on

I am using an Alesis Studio 24 for vocals in our rehearsals bought a Beheringer 1024USB mixer to run my in ears through. Using 2 overheads 1 & 2 CH and 2 Shure Beta52a combined on CH_3 on the Behringer and running 3 vocals 2 guitars and bass on the Alesis. I only want the vocals going to the mains. Is it possible to channel the guitars to the

In ear monitor systems

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Submitted by BobRogers on

I'm considering an upgrade for the live sound monitoring system that I run for my jazz and alt. country groups. In another thread Dvdhawk mentioned Hear Back, Aviom, & myMix as distribution systems. I can try out Hear Back locally. It would be helpful if some of you could compare it to some of the other systems.

hissing/cut off sound in ear-monitor mix

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Submitted by anonymous on


I have brand new in-ear monitors with an older Shure (receiver?) body pack.

I also have a wireless head set (with transmitter body pack) and Sennheiser wireless sax mic (with transmitter attached to the horn itself.)

I'm getting a hissing sound in my in-ear monitors that intermitantly cuts off for split second.