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Keyboard Killer

What to do?

I'm tracking a project that unfortunately has me a bit frazzled around the edges.

The keyboard player is driving me NUTS!

He's a great player, but he has a tendancy to turn his signal up and down while tracking or during a live performance. He's trying to mix himself to blend in to the overall sonic saturation. (make sense?)

Proteus 2000 drums

Hi, I am trying to explore some of the different drums sounds in the 2K. There are a lot of great sounding drums. jazz trio and jazz quartet sound great except they have this odd volume swell going on. kit:accustic doesn't do that. Why would they create a preset with a volume swell...on drums no less. can it be flattened out?


Us keyboard Composers

Well, my system is now 90% midi, just tracks for an acoustic guitar, some vocals, Sax solo..thats all. Now my midi friends, let's share some of the technique that we use to beef up our sampled sounds in a mix. We don't have acoustic problems to deal with, but sometimes some samples can sound a little bland. I'll share 1 of the things that I do.