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LDC - Large Diaphram Condenser


SDC Explained

SDC's by nature exhibit a faster transient response, as well as better stereo imaging and capturing of low frequencies.

LDC Explained

LDC's are slower to respond, due to the added mass of the capsule, comparatively speaking, and have a tendency to color sound more so than an SDC.


Large Diaphragm Condenser: LDCs have become something of a commodity in recent years, ranging in price from $10,000 at the high-end all the way down to sturdy and functional LDCs costing less than $100. Prized for their round, smooth attack, these mics sound great when recording voices, acoustic guitar, and bowed string instruments, or when used as room mics.

RODE LDCs: NT2A vs. NT1A vs. NT1000

Hi there,

The question is quite obvious from the subject of the post: I'm looking to buy my first LDC, and was wondering which of the above was best. It will be used mainly for vocals - male and female - so it will have to be quite versatile. It would be great if I could use it for other sources as well though (acoustic guitar, toms, strings).


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