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learning resources

I hav been playing around with fruityloops and reason for 3 years and enjoy the whole concept of producing and i am determind to do audio engineering as a career. At the moment i know very little about studio eqiupment and wanting to know how everything connects up and understand the jobs they do etc

is there books or videos that you guys recommend ?


Learning Curve!

Hi Everyone!

I’m an old school analog guy making the plunge into the digital world and I’d like your opinions on software. I’ve decided to go with an AppleG5 (old tower), either a 2.0 or 2.5 with 2gb (2x1gb sticks). CompUSA have them in stock at good prices and there giving a copy of Tiger Free with the purchase.

Learning MIDI: SR-16 to Tascam 2488

Any help from someone experienced with MIDI would be appreciated! I've got an Alesis SR16 and a Tascam 2488. I'm just learning about MIDI and I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to spread the drum kit to different channels on the Tascam for recording. The stereo outputs to 2 tracks is easy, but I'd like to be able to manipulate kick, snare, etc separately during mixdown.

learning, internships, and the Lone Ranger


As my own boss and self-employed, I usually operate alone on gigs. Though I generally love it, one of the problems with this lifestyle is that I miss the collegiate atmosphere that I once had working at a studio as a second/ junior engineer. There, I learned much every day because my work was being watched over by more senior engineers.