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ZED R16 Analog Mixdown - How does it work?

Hey all, I'm a new owner of a Zed-R16 and one of the really cool features the mixer has is of course the analog mixdown option where you can send the tracks back from the DAW to the mixer and mix the tracks like one would on a traditional analog mixer. But what I'm having hard time understanding is how its actually done or more importantly how is the mixed signals then recorded?

Recording and pre-mixdown levels.


I want to ask something, I hope it's not too newbiesh.
When we are recording stuff what should be our trim level for best results? I have a MOTU 828mk3 and I usually record at 30db but somewhere I read that it should be 0db?

Second question; Maximum level at the mixing must be 0db again, right? I mean in Logic, no track should be above 0db. Am I right?

Stereo mixdown gives me wma file with left channel only

Is far as I can tell, everything is set properly.

I am recording all tracks in mono. On playback, each mono track is panned to center and the song plays perfectly through the mixer (and in my headphones).

When I mix down, though, I've only got sound on the left side. The right channel is silent.

Thanks in advance!


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