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stereo widening

Stereo Width Experiments

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Submitted by Link555 on Wed, 06/09/2021 - 21:49

 I am getting interested in building a hardware stereo image widener circuit.  I have seen a few ideas floating around based on the Middle(M) +Side(S) technique.  The basic premise can be summarized into the following equations:

Encoding M and S

Middle  = L+R

Side  = L-R

Middle Circuit

Translating that into basic op-amp circuits, the Middle signal could be created with a summing amplifier.

Widening the Stereo Image...

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/26/2002 - 04:33

I recently did a rough mix of a song called "Propaganda".

It can be found at The Speed of Sound

I'm having difficulty getting the stereo field as large as I would like it. Is this an issue of mixing, or should I let the mastering house deal with it?

The singer will be coming in to lay down vocals tonight. I sang on this version, just as a reference for myself.