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MIDI time code (MTC), or MIDI time division, embeds the same timing information as standard SMPTE time code as a series of small 'quarter-frame' MIDI messages.

SPL MTC 2381 Monitor & Talkback Controller

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Submitted by anonymous on

Just thought I'd mention that I've been using the SPL MTC 2381, Monitor Talkback Controller for a year now and it is excellent. I'm really happy I bought it and highly recommend it. It does exactly what its supposed to do and the sound quality is excellent."Stereo volume, source and monitor control with cue mixing and talkback functions"

SMPTE to MTC / Word Clock in Pro Tools LE? What is What?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Heres the scenario: I am trying to transfer 8 tracks of analog (one with SMPTE) into my computer using a SMPTE to MTC (JL Cooper) box into a Midi to USB cable (sync) through a pair of nice converters. This forces me to dump tracks two at a time and line them up by hand in PT.


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Submitted by anonymous on

hi all, my english is not so good, sorry

i need an interface that can convert the MTC (generated via midi from Pro Tools) to SMPTE (recived by my Tascam tm-d4000).

which kind of converter i must buy?

thanks in advance
