Our redone websites are up
http://rwavproducti… and https://www.acousti…
It has taken our web designer the whole summer to redo these two sites and I would appreciate any feedback or comments. Thanks in advance.
http://rwavproducti… and https://www.acousti…
It has taken our web designer the whole summer to redo these two sites and I would appreciate any feedback or comments. Thanks in advance.
Picture of our updated mastering studio. My interns and I have been working on this since the beginning of summer. New bass traps, all wiring redone, new setup of the mastering desk and all equipment checked for proper operation and phase. BIG JOB FOR MY INTERNS AND THEY DID PROFESSIONAL LEVEL WORK!!!
Acoustik Musik, Ltd. Press Release June 2021
Contact us:
Phone 440-775-3681 EMAIL acoustikmusik@gmail…
"Where your auditory ideas become reality"
I am Thomas W. Bethel, principal Mastering engineer and owner.
For conversation I found this and thought it would generation discussion.
Hi all,
I am currently writing my dissertation and would like too interview an engineer with noticeable credits.
Something very simple as responding too questions over email will do and won't take much of your time at all.
My email is James.cherry12129@gmail.com
Please get in touch ASAP
Hi Chris and friends, many thanks for the welcome.
Hi gang :)
I found a very cool interview with Bob Olhsson on YouTube, where he talks about ALL kinds of interesting things. Things like EMT Plate Reverb, Chamber, (both of which at the time were known as "echo", not "reverb"!)
Ok im. confused...
My mastering engineer sent me a 16 bit wav file...I sent this to CDbaby for distribution. CD baby ask for a 16 bit wav file and no other format.
In conversation with the mastering engineer over Facebook chat.
Engineer Bob Katz, interviewed at Sae Institute in Paris, explaining how he became a recording engineer, and eventually, a mastering engineer.
Enjoy. :)