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motu 896


Mark Of The Unicorn were first to market with a multi-channel FireWire audio interface, the 828. Their new 896 adds 96kHz support among other features.

MOTU PCIe-424 MOTU 1224 MOTU 896HD

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Submitted by jthievin1 on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 16:17

First time poster, Thanks for any suggestions!

I have been using a MOTU 1224 with a PCI 324 card with Cubase for years in an old Intel P4. It's been working flawless for thousands of hours. Always rock solid! I also own an 896HD (Firewire) that I used near the end of this CPU's life. Also solid and dependable. Know issues whatsoever.

best preamp: MOTU 896HD, Tascam DR680, ROLAND R44?

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Submitted by adrjork on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 19:43

Hi guys,
I need to record piano recitals with 3 or 4 Audio Techinca mics. I use MOTU 896HD with Macbook Pro and Logic Pro, but it isn't really a "portable" solution. So I wonder if Tascam DR680 or ROLAND R44 could be a good solution. In your opinion MOTU's preamps (and generally the recording quality) are better then DR680 and R44, or not? Quality is similar or not?

samples from MoTu 896 and RME 800

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Submitted by vashuba on Sun, 09/06/2009 - 19:00

I am deciding on a new interface, either a MOTU or RMEif i can find one at the right price. I was wondering if any of you had basic recordings of a guitar and vocal or something like that so i can hear the queality that i can expect. I am just trying to get an idea of the possiblilities are versus going to a studio and trowing down money for a couple tracks.
thank you

samplerate problem :MOTU 896HD connect with DAT via AES/EBU

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 09:48

I have an problem about AES/EBU samplerate between MOTU 896HD and DAT.
When I connect 896HD AES/EBU output to DAT input then change the samplerate by 896HD setup software on my DAW.
Whenever I changed the samplerate from 32k,44.1k to 48k.
The DAT samplerate still stay at 44.1k.
After that I try another DAT but the situation as same before.

Problems with MOTU 896hd

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 15:55

I just bought a MOTU 896 HD and am having problems with main outs. I get signal on the mic preamp meter but for some strange reason I get nothing on the left and right outs. When I play back recorded material from Digital Performer I get signal on the left and right out but no sound comes out of my monitors nor headphones. Anyone had this problem so I dont have to call MOTU . Thanks

MOTU 896 on a PC

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Submitted by drumist69 on Sat, 07/15/2006 - 14:29

I've been looking at a MOTU 896 interface that's at a local pawn shop. Doesn't have any software with it, but I checked with MOTU and can download the drivers for Windows XP from their site. The price is right, and I'm leaning toward getting it, but I've heard of stability issues with MOTU stuff on Windows PCs as opposed to Mac's.