Oktava 103 Medium size diaphragm condenser.
Why would I want a "medium" size diaphragm mic capsule ? Seriously ! What are the pros ? Anyone who has experience with the Oktava 103 capsule ? I'd love to hear input !
Thanks and as always, MPBWY ! :)
Why would I want a "medium" size diaphragm mic capsule ? Seriously ! What are the pros ? Anyone who has experience with the Oktava 103 capsule ? I'd love to hear input !
Thanks and as always, MPBWY ! :)
I just got my matched cardioid pair ! I haven't done any serious work with them yet. I did however, do a quik setup and record to tape of my acoustic guitar. I did use them as a spaced pair. I bought these specifically for recording my acoustic guitar. These are some extremely sensitive mics. Wow.
Hi all,
I was thinking about getting a pair of Oktava Mk 012
My main interest is to use it live for recording the sound of some dancers and and some instrument (horn+flute), so the room is very important for me.
Has anyone sent their mics in to Oktavamod? I'm thinking about purchasing their upgrade to my old MXL and Oktavamod condensers, as they get no use in my studio.
I would appreciate hearing about anyone's experiences with them.
Has anyone used any of the Oktava Mod(ed) Microphones? Im trying to decide whether or not to try them out.
http://www.oktavamo… OktavaMod - Affordable Boutique Microphones[/]="http://www.oktavamo… OktavaMod - Affordable Boutique Microphones[/]
Can anyone tell me if these mics sound anything like the RODE NT5s? I have a set of the RODE but came across a set of the Oktava 's for a good price and am kicking around getting them, though I really don't 'need' them...particularly if they're going to sound close to what I already have.
I mainly use my SDC for acoustic guitar.
Does anyone here know where I can pick up a matched pair of "real" Oktava MK-012's for less than $400? I've heard a lot of great things about these mic's. I'll be using them as overheads.
Also, if I'm using them primarily as overheads (cymbals and toms) should I get a pair of Omni's or Cardiod's?
I'm looking into getting a new modded MK-319 mainly for vocals, and I'm wondering what people have to say about them or if anyone here has a song I could listen to in which the singer uses one of these.
Any recommendations would be helpful!
I just got word on http://oktava.tula… bootleg Oktava[/]="http://oktava.tula… bootleg Oktava[/] microphones and didn't find it here, so I thougt you might want to know.
I mainly record classical chamber music (recitals in theatres and auditorium with very good acoustics) and I'm very proud of the results: by now I used a Neumann km183 spaced pair in A-B recording technique through a MOTU Traveler (preamp, AD converter and audio card all in a box) connected to an Apple powerbook (recording at 48KHz 24 bit).