Orban Reverb 111B
This beautiful unit came through to get Jensen input transformers added and Recapping done. Nice design and solid construction.
This beautiful unit came through to get Jensen input transformers added and Recapping done. Nice design and solid construction.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me a little about the Orban Parametric Eq model 622B ?
I have come across one which has come out of a broadcast facility in Oz. I really don't know much about these units.
Someone just gave me this compressor - from an old radio station.
So I hook it up for fun; to a baby bottle, via a Focusrite red. I'm stunned. It sounds like an 1176 but with less distortion and a sort of round smooth quality.
Recently, my boss discovered an Orban/Parasound 621b Parametric EQ in storage that slipped through the cracks in bookeeping (we didn't know we had it, and there was no record that we did other than the unit itself).
We'd like to check it out and see how it sounds, except we can't locate a power supply anywhere.
I am looking at buying an old compressor and this is the brand name.