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M-Audio Profire 2626 v Behringer UMC1820 - Different output frequency profiles?

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Submitted by JoshuaD on Wed, 01/20/2021 - 20:02

I had been using a profire 2626 for the past 12 years or so. I switched to the Behringer UMC1820 because it plays a little nicer with Linux.

The Behringer seems to have more low-mids in the output than the Profire 2626 did. It's a little off-putting to my ears. I was very accustomed to the old sound. I'm hesitant to call the Behringer muddy in comparison, but it might be.

PT10HD & Berhinger ADA8000 Conection Audio Output Issue

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Submitted by Rae_Cook on Mon, 01/11/2021 - 08:43

I am fairly new to the world of studio audio recording, so need a bit of advice, in my setup I have full HD rig, and have added a Behringerada8000 to the setup for preamp mic's etc for drums and mis, set ada to slave, connected light-pipe cables etc, get audio into ada but not out to any pt session's, checked hardware and io settings and seem to be ok, or am I missing something as getting frus

I can't figure out why I am not getting any output in Logic Pro

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Submitted by Samuel Smith on Tue, 01/22/2019 - 18:28

Hey y'all,

This is my first time posting here and I hope you guys can help me figure this one out.

I'm trying to make some tunes in logic pro but I am not getting any audio response from the tracks I have set from my interface. This is strange for me because I use the same parameters every time I record and haven't had an issue till now.

Recording Synth output to Audacity quality issues

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Submitted by Stellar1111 on Fri, 07/07/2017 - 10:03

Hi All, I was hoping someone could assist with this issue or direct me to a thread that already explains the issue i am having. I am modeling sounds on my Korg MS2000 and the frequencies I am creating are very ear sensitive. When i record them to my PC using Audacity / Soundblaster Audigy 5, I lose the sound details i can hear with the headphones directly on the Korg.