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Passive Monitor Controller- Take 2

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Submitted by Link555 on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 06:09

Some time ago, I sold my Crane Song Avocet (which was awesome). I was doing less and less music work and more and more electronics, so it was time to simplify. I built a very simple completely passive monitor controller with just the bare minimum features. It was just for me, so it was not pretty but functional. It has a stepped attenuator, polarity, L& R mutes and Mono.

Using passive speakers with a non-powered Mixer

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Submitted by Dscandal on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 09:35

I am trying to use passive speakers as monitors. (I don't have anymore powered speakers). Would it be okay to plug passive speakers into a powered mixer and plug that powered mixer into the monitor out of a non-powered mixer. I already have 2 powered speakers for my 2 main speakers.

Powered mixer - Pyle PMX840BT
Non powered mixer - Mackie profx16v2


Classic PULTEC PASSIVE EQS with API 2520 makeup gain stage

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/13/2014 - 19:09

Particularity on the Pulse Techniques EQP 1A3 . Not interested in other clones.
I'm addicted to Pultec's this month and want to know how sweet the high-endis on the SS compared to the tube version?

I know you are looking for opinions on these or have some if you are here.

How do you record bass using a passive DI box + a mic?

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Submitted by AnalogAndyNYC on Mon, 08/22/2011 - 19:24

Hey guys I'm wondering how to record bass using a passive DI box and a mic so that I can have 2 signals going into Pro Tools. I've never recorded with two signals before so I'm not real clear on how to hook everything up.

I'm using an Mbox with two inputs. So for one signal I go from the mic to the Mbox right?