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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

Which of the following preamps is the clearest?

I'm looking for a preamp with the following characteristics:

1. must be stereo i.e two channels - no more, no less
2. must have digital out
3. must not cost more than approx $1280 / 700 pounds / €1000
4. must not cost less than approx $400 / 210 pounds / €300
5. must not be made by Behringer

I've narrowed it down to the following:

Allen & Heath GS3 16:8:2 Mixer - Preamps Quality?


First post. I hope I can contribute a bit as time goes by as well as picking brains here!

Does anyone have a view on the quality of this mixer's preamps? It's about 10 years old and no longer manufactured. I got a view over at that Allen & Heath mixers are generally well regarded but nothing specific on the preamps.

New preamp - colorless please...

Simply looking for a clean, transparent mic preamp that is versatile. Colored mic preamps are nice but for my applications I really just need a good transparent one that has versatility. I mostly record hard rock clients and the such and would all of you guys' opinions on some good color-less preamps. Please reply with preamp models, costs, and their strengths.


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