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Where do latency problems manifest?

Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/06/2011 - 19:51

I understand what latency is, and I know it perfectly well when I have the monitor button in Cubase on, but what I am confused about is why very low latency should be an issue, like when software is marketed as having very low latency. It seems that Cubase applies whatever inherent latency there is across all tracks, and I have never had any problem tracking.

Melodyne sync problems with Cubase 5

Submitted by JohnTodd on Tue, 12/21/2010 - 04:39

Hi! Recently upgraded to Cubase 5 and now have Melodyne.

But Melodyne and Cubase won't sync on playback. Xfer to Melodyne via the Bridge in Cubase seems no problem - great quality, low CPU load, multiple tracks sync together. But they are all out of sync upon playback.

Even if I do no editing at all in Melodyne, they just won't play back in sync.

BFD2 + Samplitude problem [noob in VSTs]

Submitted by Bertrand Batz on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 11:11

Hey guys, I just installed BFD2, to use in Samplitude, the install was ok, with all the updates, etc.

It works perfectly in standalone mode, but as a plugin -vst, despite it works, there is no sound. I can choose instruments etc, but there is no sound. I enabled the Midi button, tried to route them to the notes in Samplitude's piano roll, and nothing turned out.