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Problem with mixer/mouse/monitor combination

Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/12/2003 - 06:15

Not sure where to post, I'll try it here:

I'll start by making the assumption that there are a few people here who use a DAW in conjunction with a large mixer (16-8 or bigger). How have you configured your physical setup to make it work while recording/mixing? Have you made some piece of specialized furniture? Trackball on/under the mixer surface?

Why a phase problem when adding reverb?

Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/10/2003 - 18:42

As the question asks, when I do even a rough mix of some sounds I'll add some reverb. As I turn up the return I here a BIG time phase difference!
It makes me want to shut it off. I notice this particularly when monitoring in headphones, less in the mains.

I also here this when I do a mix on a DAW sometimes.

DM2000 24db upgrade problem help!

Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/30/2003 - 05:29

I have a Yamaha DM2000 with the 24db mod upgrade on the 2-bus. I am mixing out of the board AES EBU into a Hedd-192. I am mixing 24bit 44.1k. The mixes don't have the same bigness as some of the mixes I hear done on Pro Tools HD. Is there a compatibilty issue with the 24db headroom upgrade on the yamahe dm2000 going digital into the hedd-192.

Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP

Submitted by Alécio Costa on Tue, 09/30/2003 - 15:39

Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP

I was "mastering" a Horn band album a few hours ago and then I faced this problem..
My client, the conductor, felt he conducted with a too low bpm.. yes, after almost 6 months of recording/editing/ production's day 01.

Ok, I could do the TC exp to every single track..OH My God...

Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP

Submitted by Alécio Costa on Tue, 09/30/2003 - 15:38

Phase problems after Processing SD2 file with TComp/EXP

I was "mastering" a Horn band album a few hours ago and then I faced this problem..
My client, the conductor, felt he conducted with a too low bpm.. yes, after almost 6 months of recording/editing/ production's day 01.

Ok, I could do the TC exp to every single track..OH My God...