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pa system

Bought an expensive PA, and now Corona Virus has appeared!

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Submitted by paulears on

Just after Christmas I decided to bite the bullet, and buy the new loudspeaker system I'd been trying to decide about. I'd been provided with this system on a job last summer, and really liked the sound. My research showed it to be a Marmite product -loads of people hating it with a passion and the rest loving it. As I'd heard it and liked it, I do what I always do and go with my gut.

need help setting up pa system please

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Submitted by InsaneGenius on

I am trying to set up a pa system with a mixer, eq, compressor, and amp. When I go in and set up the eq and all with just me and a friend in the hall. The sound is bang on. But later, when 100 people show up the sound is horrible. (sounds tinny) Any ideas on how to set this up before hand to counter the 100 people in the room?

Building a PA system

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Submitted by anonymous on


Ive been doing a good bit of research in hopes to build up an effective PA so that I can run sound for bands.

The following is what I have put together for a proper system, but of course many of you are far more knowledgable than I. So, I present you with my plan for you to analyze and critique. tell me where I'm wrong :)