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plugins for mastering

Cheap mastering in 2019

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Submitted by jamie Lofts on

I'm getting close to finishing a lot of my songs and I'm down to just listening through them and putting vocals on the ones I'm happy with. Many years ago I used to love T-racks 24 for mastering but for many reason, it's unusable. What is the cheapest way of achieving what that program did? Is the way forward to now use mastering plugins rather than standalone?

Using Waves plugins for mastering

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi, I am new here and am looking for some advice on using Waves plugins for mastering. I just got the Platinum bundle and am a slight novice. Any tutorial help would be great as well. I use Sonar 4.0 PE for seq. wavelab 5.0 for editing plus a boatload of other plugins. Thanks for any help and taking a moment to read this post.


Bernie T.