Roland TD-11 and Pro Tools 10 volume problems
Hi all,
I have an 08 dual xeon Mac Pro running Pro Tools 10.3.1-ish.
I use the Mbox Pro as an interface bc, well, I think it's alright, and I'm not large enough to need a rack mount.
Hi all,
I have an 08 dual xeon Mac Pro running Pro Tools 10.3.1-ish.
I use the Mbox Pro as an interface bc, well, I think it's alright, and I'm not large enough to need a rack mount.
Hey everyone
I've been trying Pro Tools 10 HD and its Plugins etc. to be able to have my personal view on the DAW.
As I'm recording vocals, I notice a double-effect in monitoring, but the recorded vocal track is not double. How can I disable Pro Tools Software monitoring?
Hey everybody! I've never posted on here before so not real sure what to expect...
I work with Pro Tools constantly in school, but am having the biggest problem trying to get PT to recognize this interface. I have a Behringer X1204 USB Mixer/Interface. My question is, is this even compatible with PT? If so, how do I go about setting it up?
The local Guitar Center in my area is having Pro Tools 10 classes. Has anyone gone to one of these classes? Are they any good?
Hi to all. I'm just about to purchase my first big time interface and software ( Apogee ensemble& pro tool's 10) When checking the spec requirement for both these products I realized that I was gonna need something new to rum them off(bye bye laptop :( ) and bank account lol.
Does anyone know if the Steinberg UR824 audio interface works with Pro Tools 10? Any speed issues?. Thanks
I am in the dilemma of upgrading from Pro Tools 7.4HD to 10HD. We currently have 2 rooms running 7.4 with HD2 accel on windows xp machines with the legacy 192's and sync I/O's. I would like to upgrade to 10HD with our existing hardware running on osx Lion systems.
For anyone itching to upgrade, I implore you not to. I want to downgrade because of how awful the new fade system is in PT10. It has completely slowed down my workflow. Whenever you crossfade something you get a doubling effect. Its ridiculous. I can't figure out a way to get around it either. PT9 crossfades were beautiful and effortless. It practically did the work for you.