Ceiling Construction Question
Hi all,
Hi all,
I've recently moved to Mongolia and most of my gear is in Canada. I'd like to be able to do a bit of hobby recording but don't want anything too big or expensive and am wondering if there is anything on the market that has both audio interface and headphone amplifier capability in one unit. It doesn't need to be great quality as I've got good stuff in Canada I can bring next time I visit.
I'd like to make a spare room in my house suitable for recording spoken dialogue.
The three problems I see are:
- separating recording equipment/activity from performance
- the room is basically square (23'x23')
- there is a huge sawmill near my house.
Hi Guys..
I'm about to embark on building a studio in my garage - a tracking room and a control room. I'll be going for the room within a room method.
I'm using the the good book by our man Mr Gervais currently, is that book up to date with recent methods? I see the book was published in the mid 00's.