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Problems With Samson G Track USB Microphone

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Submitted by Manners1994 on Tue, 12/04/2012 - 11:24

Hello there. I initially saw reviews and video samples online of the Samson G Track and it seemed to work ideally for what I needed.
But I got it today and I have to say I am a bit disheartened.

The sound is extremely distorted with a lot of white noise. I tried fiddling around with it a bit such as lowering it to 0HZ on the Microphone settings but to no avail.

A specific ? about my interface(pv10USB) and newly aquired mic(samsonC03)

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 20:41

I just picked up my samsonC03 today. I havent gotten to play with it yet because I've been pretty busy. However, I was over at my buddies house and we tried to set it up real quick to try it out. Well we plugged it into my interface via XLR and I hit the power on switch for my +48V Phantom power on my interface.