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spectral editing

Recording from a DAC produces a very different Spectrogram, could somebody explain why?

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Submitted by SoundEP on Mon, 12/09/2024 - 14:09


I took a wav file which is recorded as 44.1 KHz 32 bits float (A) and played it through a DAC (Topping NX4 DSD) which I recorded the output through an iD14 as 96KHz 32 bits float (B).

Then I opened the spectrogram view through Audacity of both to check the difference and B is full of stripes at regular interval. I wonder what could be the explanation.

SpectraLayers - new versions of old songs

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Submitted by paulears on Fri, 03/15/2024 - 16:02

I thought some might find this interesting. I've been using SpectraLayers for a while now, and I thought it might be fun to see if you could strip out the vocals from well known songs, and then do a totally new version of the song, and put back the original vocal. I can't stick this on youtube for obvious reasons, so it's sitting on my server at the moment.

More SpectraLayers

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Submitted by paulears on Tue, 07/27/2021 - 12:08

I just discovered Emeli Sante. I had heard the name but her music had passed me by. On the radio I heard a track, and Shazammed it. I think it will be a great one for a friend of mine to sing - so I jumped into an arrangement of it - perhaps with the intention of doing it live in a theatre idea we have had on the simmer since pre-covid .

SpectraLayers in Audio Mastering

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Submitted by Johnny Blade on Sun, 12/10/2017 - 09:00

Hi, I'll try to start learn about SpectraLayers and I'm going to watch some video tutorials and read articles.

Anyway, it seems, in a primary view, that the tool was designed mainly for mixing.

Is SpactraLayers useful for mastering too? Is it a kind of very advanced Samp's Spectral View? Which is its main purposes: clean files, merge files or general editing?