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Ever wondered how to remove guitar finger noise including analog or digital distortion in a solo track without effecting the rest of the background performance? The Visual Spectral Cleaner in Samplitude is amazing!


TheJackAttack Mon, 01/16/2012 - 12:43

Yes. There are several tools to grab the offending transient, paintbrush tool lasso tool etc. Then you can either auto heal or perform a specific process on that spot. The Audition version is based on the Izotope RX suite though I think the branded Izotope RX is more complete. I think Joe Hannigan uses [=""]renNOVAtor[/]="http://www.algorith…"]renNOVAtor[/] or Spectral Cleaner or both. Magix has it's own sweet which may be built into Samp/Seq. [[url=http://="http://www.stillwel…"]This[/]="http://www.stillwel…"]This[/] is another option, too.